
SCIS accepts pupils with a wide range of academic abilities.


Our admission process is simplified and we accept pupils with a wide range of academic abilities and backgrounds.

Contact the school office to learn more and begin your application process.

Use the information below to get in touch with the school office now or fill out the form on the right.

For a swift response, we recommend that you use the information provided below to contact the school office.

Name: Gladys Allu (Head Teacher)
Tel: 0802 996 9432

We patiently look forward to welcoming you to Scholars’ Crest International School.

Admissions Policy

SCIS accepts pupils with a wide range of academic abilities. Upon the purchase of the prospectus, the registration form must be duly completed and submitted with all necessary documents for an admission slot.

Transferred applicants will be given a placement test and an oral interview for appropriate class placement.

There are waiting lists in some of the classes and admission is offered to the first available child who has passed the placement test for the intended class.


Admissions Enquiry Form

    Here at Scholars’ Crest International School (SCIS), we passionately deliver holistic Education, fostering academic excellence and moral growth. read more

    Plot 25A, Somide Odujinrin Avenue,
    Omole Phase II, Lagos State.
    +234 802 996 9432


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